Somewhere, something incredible is waiting to be known
- Sharon Begley

Earth’s biodiversity is a vast trove of incredible things and connections waiting to be discovered, provides countless benefits to people, limitless beauty and adventure, endless unanswered questions- and the world needs to know about it!

Links: Twitter, Travels

BBC documentary ‘Life in Cold Blood’ with David Attenborough

Assisted cameraman by handling side-blotched lizards (Uta stansburiana) during research position in lab of Barry Sinervo at UC Santa Cruz (Link to segment)

YouTube outreach videos for Blue-Green Biodiversity Initiative

Helped film researchers, presented own research interests and main research question (Link to main video, personal segment)

Protecting ecosystems with ecological theory

Outreach article written by the Swiss Eawag Aquatic Research Institute about McFadden et al. 2022b Ecology Letters (Link to press release, link to article)

Open wide! What bird beaks say about tropical biodiversity

Outreach article written by the Swiss Federal Research Institute WSL about McFadden et al. 2022a Ecology Letters (Link to press release, link to article)

Back from a century of extinction

Press release written by Ian McFadden for about Kumara and Suganthasakthivel 2011 Tropical Conservation Science (Link to press release, link to article)