View my full CV here:

Affiliation and contact:

Group Leader and Lecturer in Computational Ecology

School of Biological and Behavioural Sciences

University of London, Queen Mary


Phone: +44 7340 683725

Twitter / X: @ian_mcfadden_

Office: Room 6.17, G.E. Fogg Building


🌴 PhD, Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, University of California, Los Angeles, 2019

🌲 BS, Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, University of California, Santa Cruz, 2008

🎨 HS, Visual and Fine Arts, San Francisco School of the Arts, California, 2004

Research positions:

🇬🇧 Group Leader and Lecturer, Queen Mary University of London, UK, 2023-present

⚓️ Swiss NSF Postdoctoral Fellow, University of Amsterdam, Netherlands, 2022-2023

🇨🇭 Postdoc, ETH Domain- WSL Birmensdorf and ETH Zürich, Switzerland, 2019-2022 

🌞 NSF Graduate Research Fellow, UCLA and University of Maryland, USA, 2012-2016

🌿 Research Assistant, University of California at Berkeley, ESPM Dpt., USA, 2010-2011

🫐 Independent Researcher, Indonesian Borneo, funding: Harvard University, 2008-2009

Additional photography

All the photographs on this site are taken by myself, except those below:

Top row: Mark Stoop, James Donaldson, NASA
Bottom row: Josephine Beck, Way Susanto, James Brickell, Zdeněk Macháček